分銷商招募中。如有興趣,請致電香港辦事處與鄺先生聯絡。我們會提供最好的急凍和冷凍產品和技術支援。If you want to become our distributor, please contact Mr Kwong at Hong Kong office, and we will provide the best frozen food products and technical supports to you.
如有任何產品的查詢,隨時歡迎致電我們的香港辦事處,我們有專人為你解答問題。If you have any products inquiries, don’t hesitate to contact our Hong Kong Office, our friendly members are more than happy to assist you with any questions.
香港辦事處 Hong Kong Office
電話 Tel: +852 2850 7568 傳真 Fax: +852 2850 7508 電郵 Email: nisoon@frozenfood.com.hk
香港 西營盤 干諾道西 118號 12樓 1210室
Unit 1210, 12/F, 118 Connaught Road West, Hong Kong
本地海外分銷支援 Local & Overseas Distributorship Support
電郵 Email: pierokwong@frozenfood.com.hk
電話 Tel: +852 9576 0189