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炸蟹鉗 Breaded Crab Craw
突然間想食飲宴才食到的炸蟹鉗, 怎麼辦? 日信紅圈牌炸蟹鉗就是最好的選擇! Remember the Fried Crab Craw you had in Chinese banquet? Want to DIY that at home? Nisoon make this easy for for!
只要把炸蟹鉗用油煎或炸,如果家中有焗爐,甚至可以用焗爐加熱即可。隨意配上酸辣醬或大紅浙醋食用,更加令一家老少食指大動, 美味又可。The Nisoon frozen crab craw is suitable for pan fried or deep fried. If you have an oven at home, you can even fan forced this one as well. This breaded crab craw goes really well with Thai sweet chill.
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