銷售商招募中! Become our Distributor!
如果你身處於香港或澳門,有意成為我們的銷售商,請與我們香港辦事處的鄺先生聯絡。我們樂意為您提供最好的急凍和冷凍產品,銷售和技術上的支援。If you are located in Hong Kong and Macau and keen on becoming our distributor, please contact Mr Kwong in the Hong Kong office. We love to provide you the best frozen food products and supports.
本公司深信『合理價錢,最高品質』就是廣大消費者的最愛,加上自1992年起日信深入民心的品牌形象,成為我們的銷售商,正是你公司正在尋找的成功之路。Nisoon strongly believing in customers love our value in “The BEST Products, at a FAIR Price”, with our products images since 1992, to become our distributors is the door to succeed that you are looking for.
香港辦事處 Hong Kong Office
電話 Tel: +852 2850 7568 傳真 Fax: +852 2850 7508 電郵 Email: nisoon@frozenfood.com.hk
9/F, Willie Building, 222 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong